Hero - Profile

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The profile provides you with an overview of information about the hero.

  1. general information
    • applied insignias/medals
    • what group/clan the hero belongs to
    • his/her last activity
    • description written by the player (used for e.g. rpg-history, links to the marketplace of the group, prosperities at tournaments...)

  2. detailed information
    • race, class and level of the hero, summary of his/her EP, date of birth and recruiter-id
    • overview of his/her offensive statistics
    • overview of his/her defensive statistics
    • market statistics

In your own heroes' profiles, there is a checkbox below the Statistic details where you can activate/deactivate whether these details may be viewed by other heroes.
If other players are not allowed, they only see the general information and the left chart of the detailed information containing race, class, level, EP...
The overviews of offensive, defensive and market statistics will not be shown.

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