The Nemean Army

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The Military Ranks

The Higher Ranks

Grand Marshal

The King's army is placed under the command of the Grand Marshal as commander-in-chief. The Grand Marshal has authority over the local constables, commanders of the garrisons of major castles and over the standing army.

Field Marshal

The Field Marshal normally commands troops levied by nobles. A Field Marshal is also under the direct authority of the King and the Grand Marshal.

The Regular Army


The General leads an army into battle and stands directly under the Field Marshal. Generals are appointed directly by the King and are sent to the represent military power of the King in certain provinces.

Lieutenant General

An army is split into corps which are each led by a Lieutenant General.

Major General

Each corps consists of several divisions which are lead by a Major General. The division is an organizational structure under the corps to assist in command and control of various regiments and brigades. The corps remains the primary maneuver unit of the army, while heraldry and unit identification are primarily a matter of the regiment. Brigades headed by Brigadier Generals are units invented as a tactical unit. The so-called "Brigada" is a mixed unit, comprising infantry, cavalry and usually artillery too, designated for a special task. The size of such "Brigada" is a reinforced company of up to two regiments.


Companies are organized in regiments, where all companies raised by a lord are put together into one regiment. The size of a regiment can therefore vary considerably depending on the wealth and status of the lord. Raising large regiments is a good way to gain the king's favor for smaller lords. This position is usually given to a close family member of the lord, but might also be a reward for a trusted Captain.

Lieutenant Colonel

The 2nd in command of a regiment is the Lieutenant Colonel. Lieutenant Colonels are usually experienced soldiers assisting the Colonel.


These field officers are third in command of their regiments. They are usually experienced soldiers assisting the Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel.


The basic unit of the Nemean Army is the company, a band of soldiers assigned (or raised) by a vassal lord on behalf of his Lord. The vassal lord in command of the company is a commissioned officer with the rank of Captain. A company consists of several squads, which are normally divided up between the different troop types like archers, footmen, lancers or cavalry.


Every company is assigned an experienced soldier of the Lieutenant rank to assist the Captain. The Lieutenant also leads the company in absence of the Captain.


The Ensign is the banner carrier of the company.


The Corporal is the squad leader.

Lance Corporal

The 2nd squad leader.


A higher ranking soldier who normally assists the Corporal with personnel, intelligence, operations and logistics.


Veteran soldiers.


Standard soldier.

The Brigades

Brigadier General

The brigades are special elite units which are mainly used for reconnaissance or commando missions. The Brigadier General leads all brigades.

Brigadier Captain

A brigade consists of 15 to 25 soldiers and is lead by a Brigadier Captain.

Brigadier Lieutenant

2nd to the Captain.

Brigadier Sergeant

A higher ranking brigadier who normally assist the Brigadier Captain with personnel, intelligence, operations and logistics.


Only the best soldiers may join the brigades.

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